Friday, May 10, 2013

Where has the time gone???

I can't believe it's May already! Mother's Day is in a couple of days and school is almost over for my 14 year old.
This morning as we went through morning routines - a special treat since I've been working nights- I realized that my child is only about an inch shorter than I am! Gone is the little boy who was my constant companion. I'm so very proud of the young man he is becoming. I have to admit that I'm scared to death of driving lessons! :-)

On another note: Elvis is coming along nicely now that I've gotten into a routine with sleep and work schedules. Im attaching an updated photo. Let me know what you think!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A new obsession

Nail art has become so popular that its even hit the small town we live in. Now some of the sets are truly a work of art and I could look at pictures all day!

I used to get the acrylic nails done a salon but I never liked having all of my nails ground down until they were paper thin. I decided to try making my own set! I'm happy with how they turned out and I have attached a photo of the first set I made. I'm not one for wild and crazy designs especially wearing them to work. I figured it would be hard to be taken seriously with sushi or fruit salad 3D art on my fingers. LOL

I did get with two designers on etsy. One is making two set of nails with yellow ribbons for me to wear during the month of March for Endometriosis Awareness. The other is designing some yellow themed stickers to apply to another set. I can't wait!

Stay tuned for more photos of my new obsession... ;-)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Slow and steady wins the race!

I feel like I never have time to get much stitching done! Between work (I've been move to the graveyard shift) and my health limitations I hope to finish this picture before the end of the year! ;-)

I'm making progress slowly though. That makes me so happy! I can't wait to see Rose's face...

Stay tuned...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Better late than never!

Hi everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful holidays and Happy New Year! It's not yet MLK's birthday so I can still wish that for y'all. Right? I realized that I haven't posted anything in a really long time. I've been working graveyard shift and I like to sleep. LOL Since it feels like I'm either working or sleeping, I don't have much time to get cross stitching done. I miss it and have been able to get an hour or so here and there. I usually take advantage of my nights off to stitch to my heart's content. I'll make sure to share a photo soon so that everyone can see how Elvis is coming along. Stay tuned...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

2012 PAWS Bark in the Park

Today we had a wonderful time participating with an awesome organization, PAWS Rescue, in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

I wanted to share some of the pictures that I was able to take – when I wasn’t busy loving on all of the puppies!! ;-)

My son and I loved all of the puppies present. We got to meet one of the dogs that they have available for adoption. His name is BB and he’s the black lab in the first few pictures. He is so very friendly and sweet with humans and the other dogs that were there as well. Visit PAWS Rescue here!



My son and BB sharing some love…They didn’t know I was watching.


This is Lexy. She belongs to a coworker and her wife. I do believe that everyone fell in love with her! :) She was there with her brother Austin and sister Addie. Such gorgeous Dachshunds!! 


This is Charlie. He belongs to another coworker. Such wisdom in his little face!


Here’s some extra pooches. I loved them ALL!!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Elvis is in the building!

I have to say that I've missed working on the Elvis picture. I have a lot more to do on it but it's giving me some much needed stress relief.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

When did this happen??

Tonight we went out to dinner to celebrate my husband’s birthday. My son is 13 and a half years old and I suddenly realized just how tall he’s getting. We were standing next to each other and he’s almost as tall as I am at 5’10!!

Later we were all talking about how fast this year is going by – We MUST be having fun! ;) I was again struck at how much he’s grown and matured just over the summer.

I’ve heard many mothers say that they can’t wait until their kids are grown and out of the house or back to infants again.

I have enjoyed every stage he’s been through. I have to admit that I’m not looking forward to the teenage years all that much though. LOL

While there are certain challenges to raising a little boy into a man, especially one with special needs. I told him today that we are raising him to be a caring, open, tolerant man. I can only hope that he will continue to think and believe the same when he’s older.

10-25-2011 8;13;45 PM